The acute condition was mild with cold-like symptoms, short of breath, low-grade fever, body ache, and lasted approximately 10 days. She quickly realized she’d lost some senses of taste and smell followed by sleep difficulty, anxiety, fogginess, and forgetfulness. Symptoms appeared to be more and more severe over the next year and a half, while she was no longer able to continue her work and manage her daily life.
She was admitted to the Epic Brain Health Center, a medical clinic in Reno Nevada specializing in personalized TMS treatment (EMBP) for various mental disorders. They have found great similarity between her resting EEG and those from PTSD, where slow wave power was significantly increased and dominant alpha rhythm became very irregular and down shifted in frequency.
Patient’s immediate response to the first treatment session was improvement in sleep. After 4 days of trial therapy, she reported a significant reduction in anxiety and “clarity” in mind. A week later, the patient was surprised by the full recovery of senses of taste and smell. She commented on the smell of the clinic to be an old building with new paint. Right before the completion of 4-week treatment, the patient has resumed her full time work managing a large charity foundation.
※The video testimonies of the patients (or the parents of patients) who have received therapy at ENBP™ clinic. The answers are not scripted, nor are the reactions. All testimonials were obtained with permission. The opinions and views represented in these videos are not necessarily those of ENBP™ clinics.
The acute condition was mild with cold-like symptoms, short of breath, low-grade fever, body ache, and lasted approximately 10 days. She quickly realized she’d lost some senses of taste and smell followed by sleep difficulty, anxiety, fogginess, and forgetfulness. Symptoms appeared to be more and more severe over the next year and a half, while she was no longer able to continue her work and manage her daily life.
She was admitted to the Epic Brain Health Center, a medical clinic in Reno Nevada specializing in personalized TMS treatment (EMBP) for various mental disorders. They have found great similarity between her resting EEG and those from PTSD, where slow wave power was significantly increased and dominant alpha rhythm became very irregular and down shifted in frequency.
Patient’s immediate response to the first treatment session was improvement in sleep. After 4 days of trial therapy, she reported a significant reduction in anxiety and “clarity” in mind. A week later, the patient was surprised by the full recovery of senses of taste and smell. She commented on the smell of the clinic to be an old building with new paint. Right before the completion of 4-week treatment, the patient has resumed her full time work managing a large charity foundation.
※The video testimonies of the patients (or the parents of patients) who have received therapy at ENBP™ clinic. The answers are not scripted, nor are the reactions. All testimonials were obtained with permission. The opinions and views represented in these videos are not necessarily those of ENBP™ clinics.